Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Art History Mystery With Cat

In Knitlark Lane Podcast Episode #11 http://knitlarklane.libsyn.com I mentioned the book The Raphael Affair by Iain Pears in the Need to Read Segment.

If you love learning about art and visiting art museums like I do, you might enjoy this one. I am a big fan of the mystery genre, and I enjoy books where the author assumes that the reader is intellectually curious.

An English art scholar, Jonathan Argyll, gets involved in a fast-paced adventure while searching for a long-lost Raphael. He and Flavia de Stephano from the Italian National Art Theft Squad are led on a merry chase as they investigate the events surrounding the discovery of the painting. The plot is complex, and there are wonderful passages about the city of Rome that make you want to visit The Eternal City on the next available plane. It is an engaging read that kept me interested throughout. Let me know what you think.

This is the first of a series, so if you like this one, there are more to enjoy.

As I was taking some pictures for this blog post, my cat Sugar insisted that I pet her instead of take the pictures. I finally just let her get in the pictures -- she was relentless.


  1. Sugar! It's been so long--nice to see you!

    By the way, Miss S, do you eat yarn? Just wondering....

  2. Sugar answers:

    No yarn eating for me. Cat treats and chicken, please.

    But I DO love to bug her when she is knitting.
    Knitting and typing on the computer means that her hands are NOT petting me, which is what they should be doing whenever I want.
